We've been hearing about OnePlus' first smartwatch for years now. It was expected to arrive alongside the 8T last year, and while that didn't happen, OnePlus CEO Mr. Pete Lau in December said the company will launch its first smartwatch in early 2021. Now we know the OnePlus Watch (not an official name) is coming on March 23 alongside the OnePlus 9 series.
OnePlus shared a short clip on Twitter that includes comments from people asking about its smartwatch. The caption of the tweet reads, "You asked for it. You're getting it", confirming the smartwatch is coming soon. OnePlus doesn't explicitly mention the unveiling date, but it's safe to say the watch will be introduced at the March 23 event.
You asked for it. You're getting it.
— OnePlus India (@OnePlus_IN) March 12, 2021
In a post on its official forums, OnePlus said its "fresh addition to the OnePlus family is healthy, punctual and even takes care of you while you sleep." These wordings confirm the OnePlus Watch will come with health and fitness features and sleep tracking, but that's hardly a surprise since most smartwatches come with those features these days.
While OnePlus hasn't divulged much about its smartwatch yet, it has announced a contest where nine winners will be rewarded with the company's first smartwatch. Entries will be accepted until March 23, 9:59AM EDT. You can head over to the source link below to learn more.
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